عنوان اصلی لاتین : How to tech English young kids
عنوان اصلی فارسی مقاله:آموزش زبان انگلیسی به دانش آموزان جوان
مرتبط با رشته های : یادگیری - آموزشی
نوع فایل ترجمه : ورد آفیس(که دارای امکان ویرایش می باشد)
تعداد صفحات فایل ترجمه شده: 21 صفحه
کلمات کلیدی مربوطه با این مقاله: ندارد
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Role Play #1
Person #1
You are an English teacher in a primary school. Your supervisor comes to visit your classroom and is surprised to see your students out of their seats playing games and having fun. She thinks that you are not doing your job. Listen to what she says.
Respond to her and explain why you are teaching English this way.
Person #2
You are a supervisor at a primary school. You visit a teacher’s class and are surprised to see her students out of their seats playing games and having fun. You think that this teacher is not doing her job. Tell her that you think she is being irresponsible.
Role Play #2
Person #1
You are a parent of a primary student. You notice that your child brings back art projects, funny pictures, and strange stories from English class. You think it looks fun, but you aren’t sure that he is really learning English. You ask his teacher why he isn’t bringing home more grammar and vocabulary exercises. After all, it is English class! Tell the teacher you are not sure this is good English instruction.
Person #2
You are an English teacher in a primary school. A parent of one of your students comes to see you. She thinks that your assignments like art projects and stories are fun but do not seem like good English instruction. Listen to what she says.