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عنوان فایل ترجمه فارسی: بررسی دانش آموزش الکترونیک از طریق عوامل ممتیک انتولوژی (هستی شناسی).
عنوان نسخه انگلیسی: Exploring e-learning Knowledge Through Ontological Memetic Agents
مرتبط با رشته های : فناوری اطلاعات و کامپیوتر
تعداد صفحات مقاله فارسی: ۲۹ صفحه
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قسمتی از متن انگلیسی:
❏ The second step builds the graph Gs1Cr, R2 where Cr is the subset of C including all concepts that must be taught according to TC i.e. Cr is composed by all nodes of Gr from which there is a ordered path in BT : IRBr to concepts in TC (including target concepts themselves). R is initially set to BT : IRBr : SOr but all arcs referring to concepts external to Cr are removed. ❏ The third step finds a linear ordering of nodes of Gs by using the depth-first search algorithm. The obtained list L will constitute a first approximation of the learning path. ❏ The fourth step generates the final learning path LPath by deleting from L all non-atomic concepts with respect to the graph G i.e. LPath will include any concept of L apart concepts b so that ab [ BT for some a. This ensures that only leaf concepts will be part of LPath. As an example we may consider the concept graph in Fig. 3 as G and {“Logics”} as TC. Following the steps above, to understand logics, the learner has to learn the outline of set theory, then formal systems, then propositional logics and, finally, first order logics so LPath = (“Outline of Set Theory”, “Formal Systems”, “Propositional Logics”, “First Order Logics”). If we consider {First Order Logics} as TC, instead, the algorithm result is: LPath = (“Outline of Set Theory”, “FormalSystems”, “First Order Logics”) meaning that propositional logic is not a strict requirement for first order logic.
قسمتی از ترجمه مقاله