عنوان اصلی لاتین :Software Visualization Tools for Component Reuse
عنوان اصلی فارسی مقاله:
ابزار بصری سازی برای استفاده مجدد مولفه (Component)
مرتبط با رشته های : کامپیوتر - نرم افزار
نوع فایل ترجمه : ورد آفیس(که دارای امکان ویرایش می باشد)
تعداد صفحات فایل ترجمه شده: 16 صفحه
کلمات کلیدی مربوطه با این مقاله: بصری سازی نرم افزار، استفاده مجدد از مولفه، ریپوزیتوریهای مبتنی بر وب
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بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی
The main reasons for wanting to reuse components are to save on time, e ort,and costs in both development and maintenance of quality software. This willmean the developer will not have to implement a new solution to an old problem.Instead they can recycle existing components to solve their problem. Researchinto component reuse has been happening for a long time [11] and includes manyareas of focus; several overviews are available [4, 9, 14].There are many ways component reuse can be applied. For example, copyingand pasting code into a new program, inheritance of classes, instantiation ofcommon methods within programs, using a framework, and using an applicationprogramming interface. When reusing a component it may need to be modi edor extended in some way so that it will meet the requirements of the newprogram. The assumption is that even modifying or extending a componentwill result in the reduction of time, cost and e ort compared with designing thecomponent from scratch.